Key West Fishing Tournament
When: December 1 - July 31, 2023
Where: Key West, FL 33040
More than 40 species of fish are targeted during the multimonth tournament, with divisions for men, women, junior anglers (ages 10 to 15) and Pee Wees (under 10 years old). The Key West Fishing Tournament strongly encourages the release of game fish. All participating anglers receive certificates noting their catches and qualify for a variety of prizes.
The Key West Fishing Tournament (KWFT) is a long-standing event that promotes sport fishing, conservation, and tourism in the Lower Florida Keys. Every year, anglers of all skill levels compete in the tournament, with the chance to win Outstanding Angling Achievement or Sportsmanship Awards. The KWFT also encourages the release of fish, and has established minimum weights and lengths for some species in order to promote conservation.