Step into Key West’s storied past with the Old Island Restoration Foundation, home to the iconic Oldest House Museum and Garden at 322 Duval Street. Housed in a historic Bahamian-style residence dating to 1829 and featuring an original cookhouse alongside authentic American Empire furnishings, this preserved landmark opens daily from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, inviting visitors to explore its rich architectural legacy and cultural heritage. The foundation curates an array of seasonal events including exclusive Key West Home Tours from December 2024 through March 2025, a spirited Conch Blowing Contest on March 8, 2025, a thought-provoking Speaker Series featuring local historians and authors, and community-driven festivities like the Christmas Eve Celebration and Poker Night. Each event offers an immersive experience that celebrates the island’s resilience in the face of hurricanes, fires, and economic trials while fostering a community passionate about preserving Key West’s unique character. Membership, donations, and volunteer contributions further support ongoing initiatives to safeguard this cherished cultural treasure for future generations.